Hi John –

Arizona’s Supreme Court revived an 1864 total ban on abortion in that state earlier this month, and the GOP is still celebrating.

If they got what they wanted, that ban would already be on it’s way to Minnesota.

Some in the GOP realize it’s politically unpopular and are trying to distance themselves from it, but make no mistake, rolling back women’s rights is one of the main planks of the GOP platform.

Join me in fighting back against the GOP’s extreme, anti-woman agenda by making a contribution to support my efforts today!

We can’t be caught sitting on our hands or infighting like it’s 2016.

We know exactly what Trump is this time.

During his four years in office, he set the stage for the GOP’s continued assault on women’s rights that we will be fighting back against for decades to come.

We can’t let him have another four years.

I’m crisscrossing the state to help re-elect Joe Biden and make sure that Trump’s cronies at every level of our government lose in 2024.

Will you help? Contribute today!

Thank you,



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States