
I just joined the Megyn Kelly show to discuss the Biden administration’s release of a new Title IX Omnibus Rule which unilaterally rewrites the landmark sex equality law and undermines women’s rights, free speech, and parental rights.
Title IX, which was put in place over 50 years ago to end sex-based discrimination and bring opportunities to women in all aspects of the educational experience, is being flipped on its head by allowing males to take opportunities from women and punishing those who refuse to parrot woke gender orthodoxy. 

Under the new rule, girls will be forced to share locker rooms and bathrooms with men, and teachers and peers will be forced to use preferred pronouns or face punishment. The rule infuses gender ideology into every aspect of schools, stripping parents of even the youngest children of their right to raise their children in fundamental ways. And, the rule continues to threaten the existence of women’s sports, as the Biden Administration has made clear that women should bear the burden of proving their need for single-sex sports. That violates the very core of Title IX.  

We will not stand for this. Independent Women's Forum (IWF) and Independent Women's Law Center (IWLC) are preparing to sue the Biden administration to enjoin this unlawful action.
As IW’s Jennifer C. Braceras put it this morning, “Taking opportunities from women and giving them to men doesn’t enforce Title IX, it violates it. That was true before the Biden administration dropped this rule, and it is still true today.”

Although the Biden administration plans to issue a separate regulation outlining detailed eligibility rules for women’s athletic teams, the rule released today makes “gender inclusivity” the default position for all aspects of education, including women’s athletics.

The Title IX rewrite is anti-woman in every way. We cannot remain silent to its attacks on women’s sports, female-only spaces, parental rights, and free speech. 

Friend, help us fight this illegal rewrite and preserve American women’s sports, spaces and safety. 

Yours in the fight,

May Mailman
Independent Women’s Law Center