Paid for by Nikki Budzinski for Congress

Team — We’ve got to talk about this guy.

Josh Loyd and Texas Senator Ted Cruz

The dude on the left? That’s Nikki’s opponent, Josh Loyd. He’s another anti-union, right-wing extreme politician who would stand shoulder to shoulder with the most extreme members of the Republican party, including that dude on the right, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Josh has made it clear that he would be one more legislator working to enact an extreme agenda that hurts working families across the country including right here in IL-13.

We need a strong, grassroots base in order to keep this seat blue — can we count on your contribution today to help us reelect Nikki this November?

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Nikki has been one of the MOST productive freshman members of Congress on either side of the aisle and has brought MILLIONS of dollars back to Central and Southern Illinois to support small businesses, farmers, and early childhood education. We deserve a fighter like Nikki in Washington.

Pitch in a grassroots contribution right now to help us defeat Josh Loyd and send Nikki back to Washington to keep fighting for Illinois' 13th District.

Thanks for all you do.

— Nikki HQ