We're sending off the winning design to the printer tomorrow morning, but we need your input.
DemocratsJoin us.

Our records show you haven't voted for your favorite bumper sticker design, John.

We're sending the winning design to the printers tomorrow morning, and right now the results are too close to call. We really want to hear which bumper sticker design you think should win.

Take a look at the designs in the message that we sent you on Friday, then cast your vote for your favorite.

Thank you for voting,

-- The Democrats

-----Begin forwarded message-----
Sender: DNC Headquarters
Date: Friday, April 3, 2020
Subject: What do you think, John? Pick a design ↘

Hi, John!

I'm Lauren Williams, the director of direct marketing at the DNC. We're about to release a brand-new bumper sticker to support Democrats, but we're still missing something pretty important: Your opinion!

Cast a vote for your favorite design before our poll closes:

Bumper stickers: 1. Proud Democrat 2. Unity is power! Vote Democrat 2020 3. Don't forget the Supreme Court. Vote Blue 2020 4. Vote up and down the ballot in 2020

Our team did such an incredible job putting these together, and I want you to help decide which one we send to the printer. Your opinion is needed today:

Cast your vote for your favorite bumper sticker design today.

Thanks for making your voice heard,


Lauren Williams
Director of Direct Marketing
Democratic National Committee

P.S. All proceeds from this bumper sticker will fund the resources Democrats need to beat Trump and the GOP. Vote now and then donate to reserve your copy of the winning design!

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