Hi All
You are invited to our teleconference this Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM. Our guest will be Kalimah Priforce, Emeryville Council Member and Mayorial candidate. Kalimah will speak on Housing, Gentrification and Displacement.
We have a matching donor this week, so Please donate - we need an additional $2700 to cover this month's bills - Please donate here.
Legislative update:
Bills are moving through 1st house policy committees. May 3rd is the last day for policy committees to hear bills and report to the floor. May 24th is the last day for each house to pass bills to move to the 2nd house.
We are focusing on opposing the following bills:
AB 1893 (Wicks D) Housing Accountability Act: housing disapprovals: required local findings.
AB 2560 (Alvarez) Density Bonus Law: California Coastal Act of 1976.
SB 960 (Wiener) Transportation: planning: transit priority projects: multimodal.
SB 1123 (Caballero) Planning and zoning: subdivisions: ministerial review.
SB 1211 (Skinner) Land use: accessory dwelling units: ministerial approval.
SB 1227 (Wiener) Housing: San Francisco: downtown revitalization zone: welfare tax and California Environmental Quality Act exemptions.
All bills we are following are Linked here.
Hearing scheduled are Linked here.
Here are many resources here for you to use throughout the session.
If you have previously attended our teleconferences, use your previously assigned zoom link. We resend those on the day before for your convenience. Please don't share your unique link.
First-time attending? You must RSVP at this link. Questions about attending? Email us at: [email protected].
Just 140 people contributing $25 / month would sustain us. If you can be one of those 140 people, please donate here.
Livable California Website