Hi John!

Marquis Govan here, Cori Bush's new Field Director. I worked on Cori’s campaign in 2020 and I am honored to be rejoining her team to make history yet again! 

As Field Director, my role is to lead our ground game. Any seasoned campaign staffer will tell you that boots-on-the-ground organizing is the heartbeat of every successful campaign.

From coordinating volunteers to knocking on doors, making phone calls, and engaging with the St. Louis community face-to-face, our field program is the driving force behind our movement. It's about building relationships, listening to concerns, and mobilizing supporters to turn out and vote for real change.

But none of this is possible without your support. That's why I'm reaching out to you today, John. 

We need resources to fuel our grassroots efforts and reach as many voters as possible. We need to print literature, signs, and shirts. All of that requires money, and we rely 100% on regular, everyday people like you to fund our grassroots campaign. And now that we're up against far-right billionaires who will spend whatever it takes to try to oust Cori from her seat, we could use all the help we can get. 

So, John, will you pitch in $10, $15, or $25 right now to ensure we have the resources necessary to run a winning field program?

Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Thank you, 

Marquis Govan, Field Director