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Mid April AVFCA Article Posts!
In case you missed our articles published by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers this month, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles or check our Blog
CBD Edibles: Investigating Quality, Ingredients, and Effectiveness
Eating CBD gummies and chocolates won’t get you high, as there is little (or none) THC, in contrast to smoking weed or making pot brownies. What it might do, however, and this is unique to everyone, is help you sleep, decrease physical pain, and smooth the edges to unmanageable stress. That said, there are health risks to be aware of, and most CBD products on the shelf are made with crap ingredients. These include, and are not limited to corn syrup, maltodextrin, and artificial dyes.
Beyond Wheat, Barley, and Rye: Factors Affecting Gluten Sensitivity in the U.S vs. Europe
When it comes to experiencing gluten sensitivity in the U.S. vs. Europe, differences in wheat production, farm size, and varieties of wheat provide useful insight. As well, the research shows substantial contrast in pesticide and glyphosate usage, and the regulation of additives in foods. As a consumer, your best advantage toward good health is to be well-informed, and to listen to the cues your body gives.
During the first half of April 2024, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:
National Vitamin C Day: “Vitamin C Supplementation: Beyond Conventional Prescription”
Comparisons between your typical synthetic vitamin C—ascorbic acid—which has questionable negative health impacts, and whole-food-based Vitamin C supplements, made predominantly from fruits and veggies. While sourcing the real thing isn't always easy, finding high-quality, accessible products is important.
World Health Day: “Making the Connection Between Your Gut Health and Your Mood and Emotions”
Gut alters mood, as you may have experienced when feeling bloated after eating. The troubling feeling isn’t only in your belly, but can be felt on a mental level as well. This is due to the direct connection between gut health and your mood and emotions. Ever felt those “butterflies” in your stomach when feeling nervous or excited? The research breaks down this compelling phenomenon.
World Homeopathy Day: “Attack on Homeopathy, Nutritional Supplements, and Herbal Medicine”
It’s not enough that education and accessibility to natural medicine can be hard to decipher and attain. On top of that, there is a burden to defend the very products that aid without harm—herbs, homeopathy, and nutritional supplements. When these holistic remedies were deemed “drugs,” and regulated as such in 2005, the ability to set tight restrictions on access also came into play. Fast forward to present day …
Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms. However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted. These articles are shared on our Substack.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
