Dear Members and Associates,
Our first try at an online meeting worked pretty well. We created a Solidarity Fund Committee and an Electoral Committee. The Solidarity Committee will develop a policy and oversee a solidarity fund for supporting strikes and other community needs. We voted to move fifty percent of our general fund into this to get it started. Look for a separate post with more details when the committee finishes their work.
The electoral committee will review our current bylaws regarding our endorsement process, make recommendations if changes are needed, and also act as the initial screening committee that candidates will talk to before they screen at the general meeting. Now if a candidate approaches us, we can say "talk to our electoral committee."
Our minutes from the meeting are here. Thank you Mike Kuitu for taking good notes.
Steering committee member Brandon Parker has volunteered to host an online cocktail/mocktail solidarity social hour this Friday, for those of you who might want to kick back and visit with a few like minded people. This takes place at 7 pm, and you can join the meeting through this link at that time: . I'll send out full details after I post it on Facebook.
Any member of Twin Ports DSA who would like to use our Zoom account for chapter or activist purposes, please let me know and I can set it up for you. Perhaps you would like to start a book club, or any number of things.
In Solidarity
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA