Can I explain something, John?

I don’t come from money.

My brothers and I were raised in a one bedroom apartment.

Growing up, my dad sold hot dogs and drove taxis to make ends meet.

He and my mother worked night and day to make the American Dream come true for my family.

And thanks to their hard work, community support, and a union job, we went from living in poverty to a life in the middle class.

My family’s story shouldn’t be out of reach for anyone. That’s why I’m asking, John: Will you chip in $15 right now so I can fight for families like yours and mine in Congress? I need $1,392 before midnight to keep this campaign firing on all cylinders. I don’t have special interests funding me — just grassroots supporters like you — so your help is something I never take for granted. >>

I’ll be honest with you, John.

Don Bacon doesn’t know the hardships our families face.

That’s why he’s voted against us at every turn:

- He voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act that so many Nebraskans rely on.

- He voted against a bipartisan gun safety bill to keep our families safe.

- He even co-sponsored a bill to BAN abortion nationwide with zero exceptions.

I rely on hard-working folks like you to power everything I do. That’s why I’m personally asking you to chip in $15 before my midnight deadline to make sure we put real people first in Washington. Truly, with the stakes this high, anything you can give makes a difference. Can I count on you? >>

Tony Vargas is a State Senator, public school teacher, and Dad running to represent Nebraska’s Second Congressional District and unseat Republican Don Bacon.

This fight is personal. The American Dream made Tony’s story possible. He refuses to sit on the sidelines while others struggle to achieve the same dream.

This fight is also high stakes. Joe Biden won the presidency because of Nebraska. Now, Tony’s fighting to finish what he started and flip this district blue.

Tony is proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood, 314 Action, CHC Bold PAC, New Dems Action Fund, Dems Serve, IBEW, Nebraska AFL-CIO, Communication Workers of America, Voter Protection Project, JStreet, and over 40 local elected officials.

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Tony Vargas for Congress
PO Box 746
Boys Town, NE 68010
United States
[email protected]


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