
Last week, a UK report by Hilary Cass echoed the Mayo Clinic’s recent findings —puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and social transitioning—are causing severe and lasting harm.

The lunacy must be stopped! Children must be protected against adult-driven, trans-obsessed agendas.

The studies are out, and they reveal it is not sexual transition; it is sexual mutilation.

Countries in Europe are taking action by banning child trans-gender treatments. It is up to us here in the United States. We must demand protection for children.

Please sign and share our petition to demand lawmakers ban these horrifying mutilations.

Stand with us to protect children! Ban Child Mutilation!

Or you may share this urgent petition via WhatsApp, Facebook or X.

Standing Strong,

Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team

Here is more information:

Expert Reaction to Systematic Reviews looking at Puberty Blockers and Hormone Treatment for Gender Transition in Children


Thanks to Cass, evidence not ideology will be used to guide children seeking gender advice

Puberty Blocker and Aging Impact on Testicular Cell States and Function

Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:

Stop the irreversible mutilation of children!

Urge Congress to deny federal funds for gender-affirming care and

pass a bill banning puberty blockers and transition surgeries for minors.

Protect Children NOW!


Dear John,

Are you shocked at how they are going after our kids? I have seen how the LGBTQ agenda makes its way into our children’s lives, no matter how careful we are. And now they are becoming even more aggressive by permanently damaging children

Child mutilation under the pretense of transgender "care" is causing and exacerbating physical and mental health issues. Children are being manipulated and coerced into decisions with long-term ramifications by agenda-driven doctors, counselors, teachers, and lawmakers.

Several states have already passed legislation banning puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and transition surgery that interferes with natural healthy growth. 

It's time for a national ban protecting children from the life-altering mutilation of sexual transition. 

Ban puberty blockers and transition surgeries for minors in the United States.

Children are being taken advantage of by supporters of trans ideology into making life-long decisions that mutilate and permanently damage them through hormone therapy and surgery.

Everyone understands children make decisions with 

-undeveloped minds, 

-immature processing capabilities,

-lack of experiential evidence.

Why allow children to make life-altering, life-long health decisions?

The terrible truth is children are being manipulated by agenda driven adults. 

Laws are being made in states across the nation to stop this insanity.  Now is the time to support national lawmakers trying to protect our kids and send a loud warning to those who want to harm them.

Join us by signing the petition to protect our children from life-altering decisions and to ban puberty blockers and transition surgeries for minors.

There is overwhelming evidence that individuals who transitioned as minors regret the decision they made as a child.

Minors who are protected by laws that do not allow them to smoke, drink, get a tattoo, get married, or serve in the military should also be protected by laws preventing them from sexual transition before adulthood.

The defense of the young is the priority of civilized human society. We must protect children from the current sway of agenda-driven adults.

These agenda-driven adults have proven they are going after our children. If we lose this battle, children will be unprotected from sexual mutilation and drug-induced transition, making them dependent on life-long chemical, physical, and psychiatric care. 

We need to protect all children from procedures and chemicals that purposefully handicap their natural capabilities to procreate and have normal sexual relationships. If we win, children will be spared the life-altering damage caused by the transition process.

Now is the time to act!  Lawmakers are making state and national decisions. If we wait, generations of children will be mutilated. 

Sign the petition today and help us end mutilation procedures against children.

Thank you for protecting our children,

Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Once you've signed the petition, please share it with as many people as possible. Together, we can make a difference!

More Information:

Idaho governor signs bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors - CBS News

‘I Felt Bullied’: Mother of Child Treated at Transgender Center Speaks Out

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle. | The Free Press

Transgender Interventions Harm Children | American College of Pediatricians

Boston Children's Hospital gleefully encourages surgical, pharmaceutical 'gender transition' for teens

Detransitioners Speak Out: Hear Their Stories on NR’s New Podcast

Sex Reassignment Doesn’t Work. Here Is the Evidence

Gender-affirming care for kids has gone too far, says ‘detransitioned’ teen

The detransitioners offer devastating testimony

‘Detransitioners’ wield influence in shaping conservative transgender laws