John, This Tuesday is Election and Primary day in Wisconsin.  But the voting rules in Wisconsin are in a dynamic situation so stay on top of the news.

A judge extended absentee balloting to Apr. 13, but Republicans are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike the absentee ballot extension.

Federal appeals court refuses to block extension of Wisconsin absentee voting

Wisconsin Republicans say they will ask Supreme Court to block extended absentee voting

2020 Wisconsin Elections

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Wisconsin Spring Election

Because you are on our mailing list we assume you have more than a casual interest in climate change and its impact on our future, or you're monitoring our activity. If you are in the first group, you understand the importance of voting this year. Here are some resources to shorten your search for how to vote while keeping your virus exposure low. - Wisconsin government site with tabs for six key voting functions - The tab for requesting absentee ballots - this option is now closed

See a sample ballot for your address at:

Key state, county, or district wide votes on the ballot include:


  • Presidential Primary

In addition you probably have many local level election contests. Use the above links to review your ballot, then research the candidates and referendums so you are an informed voter.

Partisan Primary: August 11, 2020
​General Election: November 3, 2020

Stand for a Livable Climate
Friday April 3, 2020
1:00 pm

On Friday we suggested you join


for their virtual Fire Drill Friday rally on Friday, April 3.  Were you able to join the Zoom virtual conference?

Let us know what your experience was like.  Email us at: 350 Milwaukee

Read the following article by Bill McKibben,
if you bank at Chase, Wells Fargo, BMO, etc. - change that fact!

We are now experiencing a taste of what the world could be like under climate collapse - but there would be no hope for a vaccine.  The world needs to get in front of climate change now!

Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline - Bill McKibben, The Guardian, April 5, 2020

While you're sequestered at home, how about moving your bank accounts or credit cards out of Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BMO. Capital One, etc.  Read the article Study: global banks 'failing miserably' on climate crisis by funneling trillions into fossil fuels. The report referenced in the article is Banking On Climate Change.

Want to Do Something About Climate Change? Follow the Money 
- Bill McKibben, New Yorker

If you bank, or have credit cards, with any of these banks, please for the sake of your children (and yourself), find a new bank or credit union.  See the Moving Your Money section at 350MKE.

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, April 14, 7 - 8:30pm

First Unitarian Society (Ogden & Astor)

We're exploring options for virtual meetings

Do you have an idea for a future meeting?
​email us at: 350mke(at)gmail(dot)com

Would you chip in a few dollars at the Action Network to help defray the personal cost to the eleven people arrested? 

Next Court Date???
Milwaukee Municipal Court is closed through April
Milwaukee City Municipal Court
951 N James Lovell St.

On Dec. 6, 2019, The People's Climate Coalition held a rally and demonstration in downtown Milwaukee in accordance with the International Youth Climate Strikes and the Sunrise Movement National Climate Strikes.  On that day eleven individuals were arrested during a peaceful sit-in protesting fossil fuel financing by Wells Fargo Bank.

The eleven people arrested are members of the People's Climate Coalition @PCC.MKE (in addition to other Milwaukee climate groups).  These eleven people (many of whom are students) will have total fines between about $1300 and $1700 depending on the eventual fines for the men.

You weren't arrested, but you can contribute by donating to help with their fines at PCC.MKE at the Action Network

Please donate $5, $10, or more.  Your help will go towards the fines of these eleven people.

Thank you,
350 Milwaukee

 Future Local Actions: 

2020 Democratic National Convention
Milwaukee WI

Week of August 17

Stay Tuned

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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