Earth Day: Save money, Save the planet— Purchase refurbished electronics

April 22 is Earth Day. Encouragingly, this is now the largest civic event in the world, with billions of people participating in Earth Day activities and calling for solutions to our planet’s problems.
One of those problems is e-waste. We generate over 60 million tons a year and only about a quarter of it is recycled. The rest is dumped in landfills, legal and not, where it leeches heavy metals and other toxics into the ground, the groundwater and often into nearby crops.
Want to be part of the solution? Here’s one way to help. Next time you’re buying a new electronic device, buy refurbished. We know. Refurbished? Like, used? No, actually, not like used. Refurbished electronics are not what they were. These days, they’re virtually the same as new. They’re reliable, affordable and available direct from manufacturers like Apple, Samsung, Bose and Microsoft.
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