Please don’t hold back now.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

Make a donation before MIDNIGHT to help us meet our goal!

We are just hours away from the end of our first Care Giving Day — the cut-off for our fundraising deadline to show home care workers, nannies, housecleaners, and caregivers just how much we value and appreciate them.

We don't have a gift recorded from you yet, John, and we are still SHORT of the $10,000 goal that'll get us every penny of a matching gift.

Make a donation before MIDNIGHT to help us meet our goal and DOUBLE the impact thanks to a generous matching gift.

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

The whole month of April is about showing our appreciation to care workers, but today I also want to extend that gratitude to you.

NDWA’s supporters are always stepping up for the nannies, housecleaners, and care workers in our movement: whether it’s sending messages of appreciation, contacting your representatives, or contributing generously. Thank you.

I hope that if you haven’t had time yet, you’ll join us again in showing just how much you care for domestic workers by making a donation before the day is out.

When you make your 2X MATCHED donation by midnight tonight, you will be contributing to an incredible outpouring of care and appreciation for domestic workers on this special Care Giving Day.

Are you in?


Thanks for your support, and I hope you have a great evening.

Karla Salguero
Director, Individual Giving – NDWA