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Thursday, April 18, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

'The Pressure Is Working': Biden Weighs Climate Emergency Declaration

Campaigners urged the president to "keep listening to the millions of young, people of color, and working-class voters who are demanding climate policy that meets the moment."

By Jessica Corbett

Blinken Hasn't Ended Aid for Israeli Military Units Tied to Killings, Rapes

"Blinken continues a very long American tradition of very selective enforcement of human rights laws," said one critic.

By Jessica Corbett

Trump Eyes Social Security Cuts By Slashing Payroll Tax

"He is dusting off the old Republican playbook and bringing back the strategy known informally as 'Starve the Beast,'" said one advocate. "In this case, Social Security is the beast."

By Julia Conley

Watchdogs' Database Details Right-Wing Efforts to Sway US Supreme Court

"Supreme corruption demands supreme transparency," said one campaigner behind the new effort.

By Brett Wilkins

Climate Crisis to Cost Global Economy $38 Trillion a Year by 2050

"This clearly shows that protecting our climate is much cheaper than not doing so, and that is without even considering noneconomic impacts such as loss of life or biodiversity," a new study's lead author said.

By Olivia Rosane

Congressional Progressives Unveil 'Bold' Agenda for Second Biden Term

The Congressional Progressive Caucus says its legislative blueprint for 2025 and beyond aims to "deliver equality, justice, and economic security for working people."

By Brett Wilkins


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■ Opinion

What If the Media Covered War Like the Profound Social Problem It Is?

The corporate media covers conflicts like Israel and Iran’s with win-lose abstraction, even when we’re on the brink of World War III.

By Robert C. Koehler

Portraying Trump as the Fascist He Is Could Save US Democracy

It comes down to Democratic framing, a truth-telling media, and the independent judiciary to convince the electorate that Trump is actually the biggest threat ever to the story of America.

By Mark Green

LNG Isn’t Helping My Community, No Matter What the GOP Says

When it comes to the voices most concerned with the health and financial well-being of American citizens living in the methane haze of these plants, who are you going to believe?

By John Beard

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