When a law written in 1864 perfectly aligns with the 2024 GOP agenda, I think it’s safe to say we’re in trouble.
As you’ve probably heard, folks, the Arizona Supreme Court recently upheld an 1864 law enforcing a no-exceptions ban on abortion in the state, punishable by up to five years in prison.
If you’re as appalled as I am, support our fight against anti-choice extremism by making a contribution of $10 right away.
Yup, it’s bad. Which is why I want to speak frankly about the dire state of abortion rights in this country.
Let’s get one thing straight: Republicans openly admit that if they win in November, they WILL pass a federal abortion ban.
A ban like that would nullify ALL existing state abortion laws. That is to say, abortion will be just as illegal in California or Illinois as it currently is in Arizona and Alabama.
There will be no safe havens.
At this point, our ONLY option is to deal Republicans a historic defeat this November by electing a proudly pro-choice Democratic Majority. A Democratic majority that will enshrine abortion rights into federal law.
One thing before you go: Will you support my fight to restore the rights of women across all 50 states? Please, friend, chip in $10 and let’s get to work.
– Sean