The Secular Coalition for America, along with coalition members the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the American Humanist Association, will be hosting the inaugural Congressional Reason Reception on May 1. The event will honor the use of reason in public policy and the legacy of Thomas Paine, who wrote The Age of Reason, Common Sense, and strongly supported the separation of church and state during the nation’s founding.

Please join us remotely for an hour of wit and humor from members of the Congressional Freethought Caucus — plus a very special guest, author Kate Cohen.

The event will take place in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, starting at 6:30 p.m ET.  The in-person event is full but you can join the event via Zoom by registering here.

Featured Guests: Reps. Jared Huffman and Jamie Raskin and other members of Congress.
Keynote Speaker:  Washington Post columnist and author Kate Cohen.

Emcee: Democracy advocate Doug Linder

Members of the Congressional Freethought Caucus will present the following awards to celebrate Thomas Paine’s legacy:

  • The Age of Reason Award to someone who has stood up for reason, secularism, science and church-state separation.

  • The Common Sense Award to an individual who has championed democracy and political freedom.

  • The Uncommon Nonsense Award to the person who most embodies everything Thomas Paine opposed in his life.

We hope you can attend! Register today.