Fellow Conservative,

Debt is never truly canceled, only transferred. And Biden’s latest regulation would transfer over $150 billion of student loan debt onto the backs of you, the taxpayer.

Did you know 87% of Americans do not have student loan debt? Yet, Biden’s plan to “forgive” student loans would shift the burden of debt onto those who never went to college, already paid off their loans, or worked through college to graduate with minimal to no debt.

That means you will be paying for someone else’s expensive decision. But you can fight back.

>>>Stop Biden’s Rule HERE<<<

Biden's Bailout 600pxls.jpg

All regulations must be open to public comments for a period of time before they can be implemented. With enough pushpack, regulations can be seriously delayed or even rescinded.

You have until May 17th to submit your comment. Don’t wait!

>>>Oppose HERE and share this link with 5 other people.

Thank you for making your voice heard!


Janae Stracke
Vice President of Advocacy and Outreach
Heritage Action
