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Hi John, I hope you're well.

Schools are on holiday, Parliament is in recess, but I'm still out working in the community.

In this update...

  • Local update and Community Events
  • Speed Up Kāpiti Expressway (110km/hr)
  • Our Quarter Two action plan
  • Anzac Day
  • Upcoming public events

Local Update and Community Events

It's been a busy month in our community. I've visited schools, kindys, sports clubs, businesses, community groups, and foodbanks, and I've hosted many of these in Parliament as well. I always love the chance to show people from our region around their Parliament, and the recent visits by Paraparaumu College, Levin Over 60s, and Kāpiti College were no exception. If you have a group visiting, please let me know and if I'm free I'll come and say hi.

I also hosted fellow MPs Dan Bidois, Greg Fleming, James Meager, and Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing, The Honourable Andrew Bayly. Together Andrew and I visited businesses in Kāpiti so that when we make decisions as a Government, it's based on the needs and experiences of those in our community, not just the big cities like Auckland. I'll keep fighting hard to ensure our local voices get heard.

Over the next month I'm hosting the Prime Minister (Rt. Hon. Chris Luxon), Hon. Chris Bishop, Tom Rutherford and Hamish Campbell. There's a special business event in Levin with Chris Bishop, and I've also organised for Hon. Nicola Willis to do one of her first post-budget speeches at the Kāpiti Business Breakfast. I'm working hard to get our community the profile it deserves.

Speed Up Kāpiti Expressway

Do you ever wonder why we're not allowed to go 110km/hr on the expressway like they can in Waikato? Well now is your chance for change.

NZTA are consulting on changing the speed limit on the Kāpiti Expressway, between Raumati and Ōtaki, to 110km/hr.

This is a safe, world-class expressway designed to be safe at higher speeds. The change in speed limit will only apply between Raumati and Ōtaki, on sections of the “Road of National  Significance” started by the previous National Government. At both ends of the 110km/hr section there will be a section at 100km/hr so there will not be a sudden change from 110 to 80km/hr.

Reducing travel times safely is part of our plan to speed up our community and rebuild our economy. Add your support to change to 110km/hr.

Sign my petition HERE and your name will be submitted to NZTA along with all those supporting this important change.

Names will be collected until Monday 13 May when the total number is submitted in bulk to NZTA as part of the submission process. 

Quarter Two Action Plan

We've completed our 100 Day Plan and now we've got 36 new actions to rebuild the economy, restore law and order, and improve public services. These will be complete before June 30.

Our 'Quarter Two Action Plan' commitments include:

  • Deliver a budget that reduces wasteful spending while investing in frontline services.
  • Deliver tax relief to hardworking New Zealanders.
  • Set targets for improving public services, like education and health.
  • Launch an Attendance Action Plan to get kids back to school.
  • Restore Three Strikes to hold serious, repeat offenders to account.
  • Establish a Regional Infrastructure Fund to boost economic growth in our regions.
  • Reform the CCCFA regime to make it easier for home-buyers to access credit, and introduce legislation to improve the rental market.

Much of the action plan is focused on rebuilding the economy – like measures to increase investment in renewable electricity, and RMA reform to cut red-tape on farmers. It is only through a strong economy we can reduce the cost of living, lift incomes and afford the public services Kiwis deserve.

Anzac Day

We have a wide range of Anzac Day services this year. I'll be attending many of them, and hope many of you can join me out in the community, remembering all those who serve and the many sacrifices made for our great country.

I had the opportunity to speak in Parliament about Anzac Day recently. You can watch this short, five minute speech here.

Upcoming Public Events

Please join me, and visiting MPs, at these upcoming events.

Seniors' Morning Tea (aka 'Super Blues')

I'm holding another special morning tea for seniors (over 60s) with my good friend and colleague Dr Hamish Campbell, MP for Ilam. Hamish replaced Gerry Brownlee as National's Ilam MP and has an amazing background in scientific research. Morning tea is included. Please join us.

  • Friday May 10th
  • 10.00 - 11.30am
  • Kapiti Impact Hub Hall
  • 6 Tongariro Street, Paraparaumu
  • $10 (to cover costs).

You do need to RSVP for catering please. Email Lorraine if you'd like to join us - I really hope you can.

Free event with Tom Rutherford

You can join Tom Rutherford and I in Waikanae for a free informal catch-up. This month Waikanae, next time Levin.

  • Monday April 29th
  • 5.30 - 6.30pm
  • Longbeach, Waikanae
  • BYO drinks/food

And if you'd like to attend a fundraiser with another visiting MP, please get in touch with me for more details.

Best wishes in the lead-up to Anzac Day; lest we forget.

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Chris Luxon and National are getting our country back on track by rebuilding the economy to reduce the cost of living, restore law & order, improve our schools and healthcare.

Contact Info

41 Pipitea Street
Wellington 6011

0800 255 266

[email protected]

Authorised by J de Joux, 41 Pipitea St, Wellington.