
In 1997, after nearly two decades working as a community organizer, political consultant, and congressional staffer, it became clear to me that the progressive movement needed at least one news outlet that we could count on to cover the news of the day free of corporate influence and with a clear commitment to our shared values of social justice, equality, and peace.

So, I teamed up with my late wife, Lina Newhouser, to launch Common Dreams.

In the years since, millions of people worldwide have come to rely on us for the independent news and information you can't get from the corporate media.

Today, we face greater challenges than ever before, from the climate emergency to the ongoing slaughters in Gaza and Ukraine to the rise of right-wing authoritarians around the world. And with rising costs and Big Tech throttling traffic to news sites like Common Dreams, it's harder than ever to survive as a digital news outlet.

But the core convictions that inspired Lina and me to launch Common Dreams all those years ago have not changed one iota.

We still believe real change is possible, but only if enough well-informed, well-intentioned — and just plain fed up and fired up — people demand it.

Today, we're launching our Spring Campaign fundraising drive needing to raise $100,000 by May 1 in order to keep our operations fully funded in the weeks and months to come. And the only way we can meet that goal is if readers like you come together and chip in whatever you can.

So if you value nonprofit progressive journalism, now is the time to step up and show your support with whatever size donation you can afford. Every dollar counts!


With solidarity and gratitude,

Craig Brown
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team

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