The best thing you can do right now to help cut harmful pollution is renew your membership. Right now, it only costs $5

Friend — with Earth Day just a few days away, we’re getting word that anti-environmental lawmakers are readying a series of votes that would pollute our air and throw open some of the country’s most important ecosystems to permanent destruction at the hands of corporate polluters.

First, the Senate is poised to take up an effort to gut the historic clean car standards that were just finalized by the Biden-Harris administration.

And they aren’t stopping there. Big Polluters’ allies in Congress are preparing to vote to allow dirty power plants to pump more poison into our air — and sell off public lands to mining interests.

The only way to stop them is to mobilize — and fast. But we need your help:

Friend, we’ve set a goal to raise $10,000 by midnight on Earth Day — that’s Monday, April 22. Please, renew your membership today. Right now, it only costs $5 >>

For a limited time, we’ll send you an exclusive (and eco-friendly!) tote bag, so you can show your support for our movement and our climate wherever you go. Just make your donation monthly — everyone who makes a monthly gift of $19 or more will receive their tote bag absolutely free.

Start a $19 monthly gift, receive a FREE "Climate Justice is Social Justice" tote bag

Vehicle emissions are our country’s #1 source of greenhouse gas emissions — and a huge source of harmful local pollution. To protect the air we breathe and have any hope of curbing the climate crisis, we need to stop these attacks on cleaner car standards.

Our teams are on Capitol Hill right now, meeting with members of Congress and combatting Big Oil’s misinformation. But the truth is that we rely on your support to keep going toe-to-toe with corporate lobbyists and win.

To keep our work to protect our environment going strong, we need to hit our goal to raise $10,000 before midnight on Earth Day, April 22. If everyone reading this right now were to pitch in just $5, we’d blow through that goal in minutes.

I’m hoping we can count you in, Friend. Please don’t wait — renew your membership right now >>


Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
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