AI is going to change the world in a lot of good ways, but we can’t let bad actors use emerging technology to upend democracy.

John --

I served in two presidential administrations, including as chief of staff with the Department of Homeland Security. So you can trust me when I say that we’ve never seen anything like this before. 

Deceptive artificial intelligence (AI) poses a real danger to American democracy.

Deceptive AI already made an unwelcome appearance in the New Hampshire Primaries when deepfake audio of President Biden was used in an attempt to suppress the vote. And with this year’s election already shaping up to be one of the most divisive in modern history, Congress must immediately act to protect our elections from deceptive AI. 

Demand that lawmakers protect American elections from deceptive AI by sending a message to your members of Congress today. 

AI is going to change the world in a lot of good ways, but we can’t let bad actors use emerging technology to upend democracy. Let’s make sure our elected officials know we need them to act NOW. Your letter will go straight to your Senators and House representatives.

Thanks for speaking up,

Miles Taylor Miles Taylor
Fmr Dept. Homeland Security Chief of Staff

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