Right now, corporations like Comcast and Verizon can control how we experience the internet and sell our personal information for profit – and after seven long years, we have a better chance than ever to stop them.
You see, the FCC is moving a proposal to restore Net Neutrality – after Trump’s FCC destroyed it in 2017. These new Net Neutrality protections would guarantee a free and open internet for all – a crucial step towards ensuring every American can fully participate in our democracy.
But ever since the FCC announced their intentions to reinstate this pro-democracy, pro-consumer protection, Big Tech lobbyists and right-wing lawmakers like Ted Cruz have sprung into action to try and block or water it down. [1]
John, we must push back and make it clear: a free and open internet is essential to democracy. Will you join us today and urge the FCC to fully reinstate Net Neutrality protections?
Voters across the country rely on internet access to make their voices heard in our democracy – from online voter registration, to researching candidates, to requesting mail-in ballots. EVERY voter has the right to a free and fair internet.
But when Trump’s FCC repealed Net Neutrality in 2017, they gave big corporations total control over our internet – putting free and open access at risk.
Since then, we’ve seen internet providers speed up service on certain websites, and slow it down – or even block it – on others. They’ve failed to provide crucial internet infrastructure in rural areas, low-income communities, and communities of color. And they’ve even slashed firefighters’ internet access during severe wildfires. [2]
But now, we have a better opportunity than ever to change this. With your help, we can restore Net Neutrality and return control of the internet to the American people.
The FCC will be voting on Net Neutrality in just one week – so we must act NOW. Add your name to show your support for a free and open internet.
John, I hope you’ll join me in taking action today.
Thanks for all you do,
Raelyn Roberson, Media & Democracy Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Signing petitions like the one in this email is a great way to help advocate for a free and open internet -- but if you want to make an even BIGGER impact, sign up for our Digital Democracy Activist Meeting on Net Neutrality tonight at 8pm EDT >>
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