Hello Friend,
Don't park on this offer; feel free to pass it around. Get
yourself a mug and bogart the coffee pot at work or home, or feel like
a warm marshmallow in a new, dank hoodie.
#BeSeenBeingGreen and support the
decriminalization movement nationwide.?
Greens across the United States
have been fighting for legalized cannabis since our Party was founded
40 years ago. Stopping
cannabis prohibition would be a huge win
for freedom and social justice, and a major step towards the just,
Green future we all deserve.?
Celebrate and support the Green Party movement with $4.20
off every cannabis inspired item in your cart. Every dollar directly
supports our National Party and its efforts to fight the corporate
party system.
Free Shipping on all orders makes
choosing between shirts, mugs & hoodies a breeze. Be sure to also
check out our free downloads and literature section.?
code 420 can be applied at the end of checkout and is good until
midnight on 4/20/24.
Working for a Greener Future, Dave
Ochmanowicz Green Party US Merchandise
Committee Co-Chair
Green Party of the United States https://www.gp.org/