Welcome to Thursday, April 18th, communities...

Despite being deep into the 21st century, inequity and injustice burden the U.S. How can you take action?

Views of hatred are entrenched in the U.S., as these behaviors and beliefs have existed since before the country's founding. While the most targeted and unjust policies have been repealed, and equal protections have been established, there is an ongoing failure to protect those limited and harmed by systemic inequities. 

Through Gravvy's Fight for Justice Spread, you can donate to six reputable organizations striving for racial justice, including United We Dream, the Innocence Project, La Raza Centro Legal, the National Immigration Law Center, the Advancement Project, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. With one donation, you'll help to transform unjust systems, promote thriving futures, and restore freedom nationwide. 

Fight for Justice

Myth or Reality: Is Our Tech Listening?

As technology has become more advanced, accessible, and personalized, many have noticed increasingly targeted ads, making the public ask, are our phones listening to us? 

It's a common conspiracy theory that companies use our phones and tech items to listen to our conversations to gain data on which ads to show us. Many news outlets and leaders of the tech industry have said this isn't true. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has even denied the claims under oath. So, what leads people to believe this is true, what do experts say, and are there any tech products that do listen to our conversations?

Are you concerned about your tech listening to you?

And, in the End...

It's National Exercise Day. From running to biking, from strength training to walking the dog, how will you break a sweat today?

-Jamie Epstein
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