We need your name before MIDNIGHT!

Tell Congress: NO Cuts to Climate Funding for Farmers

There’s a serious risk that MAGA lawmakers will attempt to cut or divert billions of dollars in conservation programs for farmers.

Funding for practices that improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect clean water, and more. These programs are WORKING — but are at risk of serious cuts. We can’t let them do this.

GOAL: 5,000 signatures before MIDNIGHT. Add your name now:

Friend — we need you to weigh in before one of the most important climate and conservation votes of the year. Here’s the situation:

The Farm Bill is legislation that sets funding for programs that underpin our country’s entire food system. Every 5 years, Congress must reauthorize these programs, which help farmers transition to more sustainable practices, provide food assistance to help low-income households access healthy foods, and support crop insurance, among many other important programs.

We’re now learning that MAGA lawmakers may attempt to strip $20 BILLION of the USDA’s funding for popular, climate-smart practices passed as part of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

We’re talking about practices that improve soil health, sequester carbon, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to help build a more sustainable food system and a healthier future for all of us.

They’re also going after funding to improve drinking water quality, increase water efficiency, create habitat for fish and wildlife, and build resilience to drought and floods.

All of these benefits could be wiped away. We can’t let that happen — which is why your members of Congress need to hear from you TODAY. Can you help us submit 5,000 messages before midnight?

Tell your members of Congress now: Protect climate-smart agriculture investments in the Farm Bill that benefit our farmers, families, climate, health, and economy.

These climate-smart practices are not just good for the planet — they’re also wildly popular with farmers. Every year, the demand to participate in the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s (USDA) conservation programs far outstrips available funding.

Friend — environmentalists like you and I fought tooth and nail to get this funding passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022. Today, these programs are helping farmers implement better practices that are improving the environment, fighting climate change, and helping their bottom lines.

But right now, as Congress negotiates the reauthorization of the Farm Bill, MAGA lawmakers want to gut this critical funding for conservation. That could have devastating consequences for farmers — and for all of us.

Farmers across the country are already experiencing the impacts of climate change — extreme weather events are reducing crop yields and impacting their livelihoods and ability to deliver food to our tables.

Now is the moment when we need to be doing MORE to fight climate change, not less.

Please take action today — it only takes a minute to help us reach our goal of 5,000 signatures before midnight tonight >>

Thank you for making your voice heard, Friend.


Madeleine Foote
Deputy Legislative Director
League of Conservation Voters
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