In case you’ve missed it, Trump and
Kari Lake have been “speaking out” against abortion bans lately. Yeah,
you read that correctly. Two of the most ultra-MAGA people in
existence are acting like if it were up to them, they wouldn’t pass a
national ban on abortion. That’s just BS, and Arizonans need to

They’ve made their feelings on the
matter unbelievably clear. From day one, they’ve called for a national
ban. They’re radical. Their base is radical. And given the
opportunity, they’ll pass radical legislation and revoke a woman’s
right to choose.
Why are they acting like they
actually care about women’s rights? Simple. Because
they want to win. They know
their true opinion is unpopular. They’re just pretending so they can
salvage what’s left of their massive egos and sneak into the Oval
It’s up to us to stop them.
us remind every voter in the country how Donald Trump and Kari Lake
really feel about abortion, because that’s how we’re going to win this
fall >>
-The Lincoln Project