Want to learn more about reaching voters this election cycle? Here’s how.

Want to learn more about reaching voters this election cycle? Here’s how.


We just wanted to make sure you saw our email because we’d love to see you at our webinar today! 

This election season is fraught to say the very least and if you’re the type of person who needs to take action, we have the perfect action for you to take. 

Sending handwritten letters has been proven to be one of the most effective and powerful tools in getting voters to the polls. The letter you send could make all the difference in our fight to flip the House of Representatives to protect our democracy.

RSVP now—you don’t need to bring anything but yourself. We’ll see you there! 


Thanks for all that you do. 

Stand Up America


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Stand Up America <[email protected]>
Date: Thurs, April 11, 2024 at 02:40 PM
Subject: April 17th: Save the date, save democracy



When the 118th Congress was sworn in last January, the Republican party held one of the slimmest majorities in history, 222 - 212. Now, they’re down to a 5-seat majority in the House. 

The margins for Democrats to retake the House of Representatives this year are razor thin. It can take as little as a few thousand votes to turn the tide of an election that could allow us to pass sweeping legislation to protect our democracy and abortion rights. 

So when we say the stakes this year couldn't be higher, we mean it. 

If you’re anxious about this election, there’s something you can do right now. Join us along with special guests Representative Pat Ryan (NY-18) and Andy Cohen on April 17th at 8 PM ET to talk about how to adopt voters in states like California and New York with our partners at Vote Forward. You’ll learn tips for writing impactful letters to turn out voters this fall.


Sending handwritten letters is proven to be one of the most effective and powerful tools in getting voters to the polls. The letter you send could make all the difference in our fight to flip the House of Representatives to protect our democracy.

With far-right Republicans like Speaker Mike Johnson in power and Donald Trump on the ballot again, it's never been more important that we keep MAGA Republicans out of power this fall. 

It’s going to take all of us to protect our democracy, so let’s get a jump start on it together. RSVP for our April 17th webinar with Vote Forward and make sure we can get as many people as possible to the polls.

Thanks for all that you do. 

Stand Up America



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