We need your help!
Established in December 2016, The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here [link removed].
We are at a critical juncture in the fight for equality.
For over 100 years, we have been waiting for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to enshrine equal legal rights for all American citizens, regardless of sex, in the U.S. Constitution.
The ERA has met all requirements for ratification, including passing through Congress with overwhelming support and securing the necessary state ratifications, with Virginia becoming the 38th state to do so in 2020. However, an arbitrary deadline set by Congress blocked its ratification in 2020.
Now is the time for action. Congress can pass resolutions to remove the deadline, certify the ERA, and publish it as the 28th Amendment. If you agree it’s time for action, add your name now → [link removed]
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Ratifying the ERA is not controversial—it is a fundamental step towards achieving equality in pay, strengthening protections for survivors of gender-based violence, and influencing legal decisions on gender equality.
The ERA's message is clear: "Equality of Rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex."
Join us in calling on Congress to immediately advance the ratification and certification of the ERA. Discrimination should have no place in our laws! Sign the petition to Congress here → [link removed]
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The Majority Rules is a coalition of concerned citizens like you, fighting to end partisan gerrymandering and ensure fair elections. We're focused on making sure everyone who's able to vote, can vote. We use your donations to promote state and federal candidates and initiatives across the US to achieve fair elections.
This year is going to be huge in the fight for fair elections! We have seen that voting rights and the integrity of our elections continue to be under attack. Some candidates and organizations have continued to use shady, undemocratic tactics to suppress voters. It's time to fight back!
Paid for by The Majority Rules PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
The Majority Rules
15920 Hickman Road
Ste 400 PMB 429
Clive, IA 50325
United States
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