your intentions 9 Holy Masses, April 20-28

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted your intentions for nine Holy Masses, from April 20-28,
invoking Our Lady of Good Counsel (April 26), Our Lady of Montserrat
(April 27) and St. Gianna Molla (April 28), the patron saint of all
mothers, especially those in difficult pregnancies (as well as women
who want to conceive), unborn children, physicians and the Patroness
of Catholic Action for Faith and Family?
St. Gianna had such an unwavering
trust in Our Lady, in every circumstance of her life. Through the
intense suffering she endured - in the second month of her pregnancy,
when a fibroid tumor was discovered, she refused surgery and begged
Our Lady to save the child’s life in the womb over her own life. After
Gianna Emanuela was born by Caesarean section on Good Friday,
April 21, 1962, St. Gianna developed septic peritonitis post
operatively, was in excruciating pain for a whole week, and constantly
cried out: “at the hour of my death hold me tight, my Dear Mother”
before she died on April 28, which is her feast day.
It was no coincidence that two of
Our Lady’s feast days fell during the last two days of St. Gianna’s
final agony: Our Lady of Good Counsel on April 26 and
Our Lady of Montserrat on April 27.
Over the centuries, popes and
bishops have had a strong devotion to Our Lady of Good
Counsel, whose miraculous
painting from the 13th Century is found in an Augustinian Church near
Rome. Countless people have received favors from Our Lady under this
title, including restoration to good health, peace of
mind from worry and fear, and the grace of a stronger and lasting
Millions have venerated the crowned
image of Our Lady, wearing golden robes, with the Infant King on her
lap, at the famous Shrine of Our Lady
of Montserrat in Spain. The
image has been on display for Papal masses since the Pontificate of
Pope Benedict XVI.
Cardinal Burke also knows the Molla
Family very well and has studied the life of St. Gianna. With much
admiration for the saint, he composed the beautiful prayer that will
be included in the 9-day novena, an expression of everything St.
Gianna was in real life.
Let us look to the example of St.
Gianna’s trust in the Blessed Mother, for she was filled with love for
Our Lady and was willing to lay down her life for the
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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