This is outrageous, folks --

As we come together to fight against the coronavirus, workers are losing their jobs and health care, families are struggling to make ends meet, and we are all concerned about the health of our friends and family.

Despite all of this, several GOP state attorneys general are plowing forward with plans to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and leave millions of Americans without insurance.

It’s unacceptable that the GOP would strip people of life-saving care during a public health crisis. No one should lose their coverage in the middle of a global pandemic. If you agree with me, I need your help:

Now more than ever, we must protect the Affordable Care Act from Republican attempts to destroy it. Sign my petition now to protect our health care and demand the GOP end its crusade to sabotage it.


Montanans, and millions of Americans, depend on the ACA for life-saving care. We cannot allow Republicans to throw these protections, especially coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, out the window during this difficult time.

This is an unprecedented crisis for so many families across the country. Unlike the GOP, my top priority right now is not taking away your health care. Instead, it’s ensuring you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.

Thanks for reading,
