We are only 13 days to the May 1st World Health Treaty Conference and a Vote!This week we are asking EVERYONE to call their US Senators, State Attorney General, and State Governor!In Case You Missed It…Stop the WHO Threat to US Sovereignty!13-Day Count Down to May 1, 2024! THIS WEEK: Act for America signs the “Not Now, Not Ever” Sovereignty Coalition declaration addressed to President Biden, Senators, and House Members.Friends, Since the onset of the Obama-Biden era, one of the most significant transformations witnessed has been the adoption of the "China Model" in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach replaced the U.S. government's longstanding strategy for handling pandemic outbreaks with unprecedented mandates for masks, social distancing, quarantine, lockdowns, and vaccinations. The consequences of implementing this model were catastrophic, leading to the needless deaths of an estimated million Americans, severe economic downturns, and an erosion of constitutional freedoms. Mandate Freedom from Medical Tyranny HERE>> At the forefront of promoting this disastrous approach was Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite lacking medical credentials, Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian Maoist handpicked by the Chinese Communist Party, misled the world about COVID-19's origins, nature, and appropriate response measures. With support from complicit actors within the U.S. government, his recommendations were implemented disastrously, further exacerbating the crisis. The Biden administration is now poised to reward Tedros for his malfeasance by surreptitiously ceding unprecedented power and national sovereignty to him. By agreeing to make the WHO's Director-General the exclusive arbiter of global public health emergencies, the U.S. risks relinquishing control over its health policies and decisions. This surreptitious move, facilitated through undisclosed treaties being negotiated by the WHO, represents the most significant surrender of sovereignty since the Panama Canal and poses a grave threat to America's constitutional republic. Of particular concern is the lack of transparency surrounding these negotiations and the absence of public input or oversight. Not Now, Not Ever, will the American people allow an unaccountable foreign bureaucrat like Tedros to dictate U.S. public health policy! Given Tedros' track record of incompetence, malfeasance, and totalitarian Marxist background, entrusting him with such sweeping authority is deeply troubling. His expansive definition of "public health emergencies" includes politically charged issues such as climate change, reproductive rights, and gun violence, indicating a clear disregard for American values and interests. We must reject this plan and safeguard our sovereignty, freedoms, and democratic principles against this insidious threat. THIS WEEK: Time to Call Our State Attorney General and Governor! Take 1 Minute to Act and an Extra Minute to Call.Also, Please Take A Minute to Act Below.Join us in sharing, organizing, and urging friends and family to participate in this national effort over the next 13 days. Become a Member or Support Our Work and Help Us Fight! In Case You Missed It…Discover the Act for America Difference!Too Many Fires, Need More Hands! Results Matter. From Vision to Victory! Hearts, Minds, and Mobilization in Minutes! Free Gift with Subscription! For the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month, you can help us stop the Marxist march into oblivion! Free Autographed Copy of NY Times Best Seller “Because They Hate” with your annual subscription while supplies last. You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |