Toward a Jihadist Caliphate
by Nils A. Haug • April 17, 2024 at 5:15 am
Not only are Jews under threat, but Christians and all "unbelievers" in the radical jihadist agenda as well.
Although an "ostrich" mentality towards these genocidal objectives prevails among Western decision-makers, the reality is quite different: The driving ideology behind Hamas's murderous intent is exemplified by the "Doomsday Clock" located in Palestine Square, Tehran, Iran. Inaugurated by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in 2017, the clock counts down the time towards Israel's anticipated destruction in 2040, sixteen years from now. Iran's barrage of missiles and drones launched at Israel on April 13, 2024, was presumably another step toward fulfilling that destructive intent.
Even though Iran remains essentially responsible for the actions of its agents, it has yet to suffer any consequences despite its direct attack on Israel on April 13-14. All the while, taking full advantage of US appeasement and unencumbered by meaningful sanctions, Iran races ahead with development of nuclear weapons for the sole purpose of eliminating Israel and, thereafter Jordan and ultimately the "Great Satan," the United States from the world map.
On April 1, 2024, Abolfazl Bazargan, an Iranian international relations expert, made it clear, with a straight face, that "...for the purpose of bringing about peace - you have to create nuclear deterrence, even if only one (bomb)." Peace, however, seems to mean "after jihad has obliterated all opposition and established an Islamic Caliphate." This objective is couched in rational terms to appease West powers, the sympathetic world leaders, who might be persuaded that it is fair and right that Iran possess a nuclear weapon just as Israel, the US, UK, North Korea, and other nations possess such weapons. The underlying jihadist ideology of world hegemony is concealed under a veneer of rationalism, social justice, victimhood, and fairness.
"It's a belief that goes a long way in explaining the dehumanization of the Jews: It's much easier to brutalize and slaughter, the way Hamas did on October 7, if you think that Jews are apes and pigs. In our rational Western way of thinking, all of this is unfathomable." — Idit Bar, expert on Islamism, Times of Israel, February 2, 2024.
Refusing to directly confront Iran as the source of Middle Eastern terror -- and instead rely on diplomatic "conflict resolution" that enables Iran to buy time -- amounts to a form of appeasement. At this time, preparation for war is the best deterrence, especially in the current circumstances of a misguided faith in "talking."
It was an attitude of pusillanimous appeasement by UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Nazi Germany in 1938, with the Munich Agreement, that directly resulted in Hitler's unrestrained march on neighbouring countries, thus inaugurating WW2. In like mode, US President Joe Biden's acolytes now appease Iran's Ayatollahs, an approach that commenced under President Barack Obama. Once again, the consequences for the West and the world at large will be horrendous.

On February 9, 2024, Imam Sheikh Abdul Salam Zoud at the Masjid As-Sunnah Lakemba in Sydney, Australia, made the following live-streamed pronouncement:
"There is no solution other than Jihad which continues until Judgement Day. The Prophet Muhammad, the Righteous Caliphs – none of them conquered the world by peaceful means. They conquered it through Jihad. The goal of Jihad for the sake of Allah is not to kill people and take over their lands. Rather, the goal of Jihad is to remove obstacles before the spreading and rule of Islam."