Dear John,
The current COVID-19 pandemic have many of us worried about how best to care for our family, including cats, dogs, and other companion animals, if we fall ill or need to leave the home for an extended time. In conjunction with animal shelter staff and a veterinarian, we have compiled a list of what you should prepare for your animals’ care, should primary caregivers be unavailable.
While you should always have an emergency plan in place for your animals, the unique circumstances created by COVID-19 may present new factors to consider when putting together a care plan. The Animal Legal Defense Fund recommends preparing a bag with documentation and supplies in advance of an emergency.
Ideally, you should have a plan in place for your pets, that includes:
- Caregiver. A designated care person who has access to your home to care for your animals. Due to many lockdown orders in many states, traveling is more complicated. Consider asking someone local, like a neighbor, to be an emergency caregiver for your pets. And offer to do the same for them.
- Food. A three to six-week supply of food, treats, water, and litter. Write a note with the amount of food and times of day your animal is fed.
- Medication. If your pet is on any medication, make sure to have a 30-day supply readily available and provide detailed dosage instructions.
- Allergies. A list of any allergies your pet may have.
- Vet Records. Vaccination and medical records.
- Leash. Easy access to collars, harnesses, leashes, and travel crates or carriers.
- I.D. If applicable, that your animal is wearing a tag with contact information.
- Toys. Something that will comfort your pet if they need to be removed from the home, like their favorite toy, a bed, or something that smells like you.
- Vet Contact Info. Veterinarian contact information and an emergency veterinarian’s contact information, in case your pet’s veterinary office is closed due to COVID-19 precautions. A pet first aid kit.
- Photo. A current photo of your pet.
If you live alone, consider signage in your home that is visible indicating there is an animal in the home. Additionally, this is a great time to make sure your pet’s microchip is registered and up to date.
These are uncertain times. Our animals rely on us and we are their first line of defense. Having an emergency plan in place will ensure their health and safety.
Please be safe — and keep in touch. We’re all in this together.