J Street


The skies above major cities in the Middle East on Saturday were truly disturbing – hundreds of Iranian drones and missiles shot out of the air by US, UK, French, Israeli and Jordanian forces.

It was an unprecedented retaliatory strike in the long-simmering conflict between Israel and Iran. It came following Israel’s reported bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which killed over a dozen people including several senior military leaders.

With the world urging restraint as the Israeli government vows to respond, more disturbing still is the risk that this conflict slides toward all-out war with Iran. It would be a catastrophic situation for the US, the region and far beyond – including Israel, which continues to battle threats from Hizbullah and Hamas at its borders.

To discuss the risk level, the Biden Administration’s calculations, and how the next weeks and months may play out, I’ll be joined by three renowned experts for a J Street Policy Center discussion this Thursday at 2pm Eastern. Register here to join us >>

Register J Street's Policy Center for briefing on the escalations between Israel and Iran on Thursday, April 18 at 2pm Eastern

Eran Etzion is a former Israeli diplomat and strategist with over 20 years of experience and served as deputy head of Israel’s National Security Council. He’s been a fierce critic of the short-term thinking driving Netanyahu’s approach to Iran.

Naysan Rafati is an Iran Senior Analyst with the world renowned International Crisis Group, with expertise regarding Iran’s internal politics and regional policies. His insights into Iran’s domestic considerations and its relationships in the region are invaluable.

Barbara Slavin is a Distinguished Fellow with the Stimson Center and lecturer in international affairs at George Washington University. She’ll help us understand the Biden Administration’s calculations and what she describes as the ‘bitter, twisted’ history of US-Iranian engagement.

I hope you can join us for what promises to be a vital and riveting discussion. As always, audience questions are welcome. Register to join us here >>

All the best,

Debra Shushan
Policy Director, J Street Policy Center

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