
From day one of the Trump presidency, DFA members hit the ground running to do whatever it takes to kick this sham of a president, and every Republican who stands with him, out of office.

Here at headquarters, we’ve developed a plan of attack that hits back every single day against Trump’s dangerous agenda, while prioritizing the needs and interests of the New American Majority: people of color and white progressives who are the backbone of America’s working families and the key to victory for Democrats up and down the ballot nationwide.

We’re supporting critical progressive candidates, building resources for campaigns, mapping our organizing efforts, and laying a strong foundation to keep the House, flip the Senate, and take back the White House in 2020.

I want to fill you in our latest strategy memo down below, but first, I have to ask: building winning campaigns all across the country takes significant resources and we’re relying on grassroots supporters just like you to help us do it. Will you donate $5 or more to help us take on the GOP and elect progressive candidates up and down the ballot?

As Republicans and even members of the Democratic establishment deepen their pockets and ramp up attacks, we’re focusing on grassroots power in three crucial areas:

WINNING ELECTIONS: We’re recruiting progressive candidates to run for office and training them to win at every level of government. We’re dedicating resources to building progressive infrastructure in blue states, red states, and purple states.

EMPOWERING OUR MEMBERS: DFA is a people-powered organization. We’re training our members to be game-changing organizers and giving them the tools they need to push forward progressive policies in their communities.

DRIVING THE CONVERSATION ON ISSUES: We’re putting pressure on politicians and the media to pay attention to the people, focus on our country’s inequality, and fight against every injustice.

We have a plan in place to win, John, but this plan only works if grassroots supporters like you step up. Will you make a donation of $5 or more to help us build the resources it takes to win at every level of government all across the country?

We’re not an ATM for wealthy and established Democrats. Here at DFA, we focus on the underdog candidates ready to bring about real change and we’re 100% funded by members like you. That’s why we’re depending on your support to fuel this fight.



Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America
