We have the most donations - and the most donations from Missourians - by far in our race for Attorney General. We're even raising more money than several major Republican candidates for statewide offices, including candidates for Secretary of State, Lieutenant Governor, and Treasurer.
✅ We are the statewide campaign with organizers all over Missouri.
✅ We are one of the only campaigns in the country with active volunteer activities.
✅ We have recruited over 1000 volunteers, traveled all over the state, and are working every day to rebuild the community we need to hold our corrupted government accountable.
That's the good news.
The bad news: Unfortunately, although our two Republican opponents for Attorney General have far fewer donors, they are taking in huge donations from billionaires and corporations.
As a former Assistant Attorney General, I feel strongly that our candidate for the office should represent you. We don't need another bought Attorney General taking instructions from their benefactors all so the politician can get to the next higher office and the donors can exploit our state for their personal gain.
I knew this would happen. Our focus on volunteer recruitment is intentional. We may not be able to compete with billionaires on their turf, but we can flood the zone with volunteers. Our goal isn't to raise the most money. It's to raise enough money to power our volunteer program and get the word out to voters.
Currently, our operations team includes a campaign manager, five regional organizers, a rural organizer to help everyone living outside of those regions, a fundraiser, a creative team, and super volunteers.
We need to hire a few more folks, but we cannot do it without increasing our fundraising.
We have a really exciting statewide campaign. We've already done a lot, but we have so much more potential.
Here's what our campaign needs right now: