The Media
Spin Behind “Abortion Rights”
Watch “Abortion Rights,” the latest
Language Watch video brought to you by Restoration of America
How do you make murder socially acceptable? You change the words
and spin it as “abortion rights.” After all, making abortion a “right”
means no one can oppose it, right? But it’s not a right. Changing the
language doesn’t change the act.
This is the Left’s assault on our language, designed for political
gain—and it only stops when we become aware of the attack and push
In this new
video series, we tackle the Left’s top political
buzzwords one-by-one to reveal the bias, lies, and truth-twisting by
the media.

Mexico First Policies Endanger Americans & Reward Illegal
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of
Mexico, tells Joe Biden what to do, demanding billions of dollars in
exchange for helping to secure the border. Everyone knows Biden is
weak, so other countries take advantage of America.
It seems that Mexican President Obrador got upset about recent
reporting that the Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) investigated him regarding his
campaign’s involvement with drug cartels. Reports indicate that drug
traffickers gave $2 million to Obrador’s campaign in exchange for
facilitation of their criminal operations. This news surfaced recently
and Obrador isn’t happy, demanding that
Biden apologize and further straining U.S.-Mexico relations.

Wisconsin Pandemic
Relief Money Keeps Illegal Alien Criminals from Being
Not only did the woke, socialist
Madison Wisconsin council give pandemic relief money to attorneys of
illegal aliens—they also gave handouts to an adult lounge, a
distillery, a Pilates studio, a brewery, and more.
The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF),
provided by federal tax dollars, were meant to support localities
suffering from the COVID shutdowns. Instead, the money became a slush
fund for socialist sanctuary cities, funding their latest woke
projects and illegal alien programs rather than helping
Restoration News spoke with Wisconsin State Sen. Duey Stroebel (R)
who brought attention to this issue. He sent a
letter to the Madison grants manager demanding additional
information regarding $700,000 that was earmarked for “services to
residents who are undocumented.” Stroebel pointed out that illegal
aliens would not be eligible for direct assistance with these funds.
So, the council found a work-around—give it to sub-awardees who then
give it to criminal illegal aliens.

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