![]() Patriot, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson betrayed the American people on warrantless mass surveillance last week. Now, he’s gearing up for another betrayal: shoveling tens of billions of American dollars into the furnace of foreign wars. The scale of spending just goes to show how over-extended our foreign meddling has become under the neocon Biden regime: Most of it, a colossal $60 billion sum, would go to “Ukraine,” although it won’t
help the people of Ukraine – only prolong their suffering in a war the neocons brag is a “cheap” way to fight Russia (Ukrainian
lives instead of Americans).
Another $14 billion would go to Israel, where for perspective, $1 billion was reportedly spent over the past weekend on air defense. Another $4.8 billion would go to “Indo-Pacific partners,” which is their way of saying “agitating for local conflict with China” (meaning Taiwan). As our Chairman Ron Paul has noted throughout his career, foreign military aid like this never promotes peace and always harms all parties: our adversaries, our friends, and ourselves. But House Speaker Mike Johnson has his own reason to support causing tens of billions of dollars of harm: saving his own job. It’s an unbelievably cynical ploy. They say you need to fork over tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine – and it’s an emergency now, because Iran and Israel are at war. Don’t try to make any sense of it. None of their excuses make any sense. What does make sense is this: the neocons’ and globalists’ foreign policy is a total disaster, and they’re doubling down on their failures. The neocons in the Biden White House and the neocons in Congress are going to double down until we have nothing left. Between the Ukraine conflict and the conflict in the Middle East, one thing is clear: The last thing on the mind of the politicians in Washington is the American people’s problems. We must DEMAND our representatives say NO to this complete waste for endless war. Patriot, it’s time to DEMAND Congress stop the spigot of waste called “foreign aid.” Call your representative at (202) 224-3121. Tell him or her to OPPOSE the Ukraine foreign aid deal. As Ron Paul wrote in a Campaign for Liberty email before the war even began, “The damage and destruction a war with Russia would cause is incalculable.” All of the events that have
transpired since then have shown we were right all along. This war has been a total disaster. But facing the truth and admitting he failed to protect Ukraine would be an election disaster for Joe Biden. So the war continues . . . A majority of Americans do not want any more money going to Ukraine. People are realizing they were constantly lied to, and the war needs to end before we get sucked into it further. But to make that happen, you and I must demand Congress oppose this foreign aid package. Call your representative at (202) 224-3121 and tell him or her to vote NO on the foreign aid package. All the continuation of the war in Ukraine has done is to throw Ukrainian bodies into an increasingly lopsided war that has failed to achieve any objective. >>> The Biden administration said economic sanctions would destroy Russia’s economy. The sanctions
failed. >>> The Biden administration said Ukraine “had everything it needed” for the “game-changing” offensive launched last June. The offensive completely failed. >>> The Biden administration said since the beginning Russia would run out of weapons and the regime would soon collapse. Now it’s clear Russia isn’t running out of anything. Don’t let Congress double down on stupid. Call your representative at (202) 224-3131 and tell your representative to vote NO on the foreign aid deal. If you cannot make the call, click here to send a directive online. As too many Americans deal with rising food, gas, and utility prices, does it really make sense to send billions and billions of Fed-printed dollars abroad? It’s critical Congress hear from as many patriots as possible. So after you call your representative or sign the petition, please forward this message to your like-minded friends and family. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s work with a contribution. We are the only organization mobilizing Americans against this senseless conflict with grassroots political action. Your gift of $10 or $1,000 or something in-between will help us fight this battle. Taking on the statists in D.C. is never easy . . . or cheap. But with your help, you and I can stop this madness before it escalates further. Whether you can make a contribution of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. Thank you for all you do to save our Republic. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director, Campaign for Liberty P.S. We can prevent these dangerous conflicts from spiraling out of control, if only we speak out. Take a moment to tell Congress you DEMAND they oppose the foreign aid deal. And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $100, $200, $500, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more patriots. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |