Dear Friends,

For the first time in a decade, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on solitary confinement today, April 16. You can tune in here to the 10am ET hearing, "Legacy of Harm: Eliminating the Abuse of Solitary Confinement.”

Before the hearing this morning, NRCAT is proud to be hosting a press conference, alongside the Federal Anti-Solitary Task Force, at the United Methodist Building in Washington, DC. Solitary confinement survivors, faith leaders, health professionals, and policy advocates will address the urgent need to pass federal legislation to end solitary now.

Help us amplify the need for federal legislation to end solitary by writing to your Members of Congress.

NRCAT has worked closely with both the House and Senate sponsors of the federal End Solitary Confinement Act (ESCA), a bill that would end long-term solitary confinement in federal prisons and immigration detention facilities. According to a recent Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General report, nearly half of all deaths by suicide in Bureau of Prisons (BOP) custody (46%) take place in restrictive housing - which are the BOP’s main form of solitary confinement - while people in restrictive housing represent approximately 8% of those in BOP custody.

TAKE ACTION: Ask your Senators and Representative to co-sponsor the End Solitary Confinement Act.

We encourage you to view the hearing virtually here. In addition, stay tuned for details on a National Day of Action on May 16 in support of the End Solitary Confinement Act. Until then, may our voices join together in strength and synergy.

In solidarity,

Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
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