Dear Patriot, I’ve now represented 50 Americans who have been politically charged for peacefully protesting on January 6th. And of those, 12 jury trials have been held. Despite my best efforts and Harvard Law pedigree, the guilty verdicts keep coming. I firmly believe no attorney in America could return a "not guilty" verdict for these Americans. It is impossible as these are Biden's SHOW TRIALS to dole out political punishment. My job is to preserve appeals for these men and women while pursuing other strategies I cannot openly discuss. However, my organization, NCLU, needs your help to keep the fight alive. I have now spent months camped out in the Swamp as I work these trials, and it is costing us tens of thousands of dollars with each trial . . . and that's our expenses between accommodations and travel for staff, family, and witnesses. Will you chip in to help cover our costs? This past week, my client, a young family man named Jared Kastner, was found guilty on all counts and will be sentenced in the coming months. His offense? While traveling to Washington with his church group, he peacefully entered the Capitol, damaging or disturbing nothing and harming no one. Jared and his wife, Kaitlyn, have a beautiful seven-month-old daughter and are expecting their second. If Biden's DOJ gets its way, Jared will likely spend the first years of his newborn's life in Federal Prison. My subsequent trial for Bryan Smith begins on May 6th. What the government has done to this man is truly evil, and our trial prep has already started. I need to purchase airline tickets for my team to return to DC and book hotel rooms. I would appreciate any amount you can contribute to offset these costs. While we defend these Americans in court, Biden’s Department of Justice continues their arrests. Just scan the news. As I write you, a Cincinnati man was arrested for following a group of people through the open doors of the Capitol. And Biden will not give up. They won’t stop arresting Americans until November has passed and the political games they play are over. The wheels of justice turn slowly despite the rapid-fire show trials that are now occurring, and I pray that in less than a year, my clients and the other 1,300 Americans who have been charged will be fully pardoned. In the meantime, we must fight with everything we have to keep these men and women out of federal prison as jobs and homes are being lost and, sadly, families are being broken. Will you help? Thank you for any support you can provide to help me keep fighting. In Vigilance, ![]() John M. Pierce Chairman and Founder National Constitutional Law Union DONATIONS TO THE NCLU ARE NOT TAX-DEDUCTIBLE THE NCLU IS A NON-PROFIT SOCIAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION THAT IS IN THE PROCESS OF APPLYING FOR 501(C)(4) TAX-EXEMPT STATUS. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF FUNDS RAISED BY THE NCLU WILL BE PAID TO A LAW FIRM OWNED AND/OR CONTROLLED BY THE FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND CEO OF THE NCLU FOR LEGAL SERVICES AND COSTS INCURRED BY CLIENTS OF THE FIRM IN CONNECTION WITH LITIGATIONS WITHIN THE FULL MISSION STATEMENT AS DETERMINED IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE NCLU BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THOSE CLIENTS. |