From Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association <>
Subject It's Tax Day, and our new "Follow the Money" report tells you where your money went!
Date April 16, 2024 4:39 AM
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The annual "Follow the Money" report is now available

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** Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation’s Annual "Follow the Money" Report Exposes Government Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

Now that you've paid your taxes, here's a look at some of the places California government sent your money.

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation (HJTF) today released its popular annual “Follow the Money” report, shedding light on egregious examples of fiscal mismanagement and bureaucratic inefficiency that continue to plague California.

From Sacramento's City Manager receiving a hefty raise amidst budget deficits to the misallocation of funds in housing initiatives, the report uncovers a troubling narrative of fiscal irresponsibility that undermines the trust and wastes the resources of hardworking taxpayers. Additionally, a special section on San Francisco's "Doom Loop" exposes the disastrous consequences of high taxes, suffocating regulations, and far-left government activism.

“The revelations of the 2023 ‘Follow the Money’ report serve as a wake-up call for Californians everywhere,” said HJTF Chairman Jon Coupal. “The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation works to educate the public about government mismanagement of their tax dollars and, where appropriate, to seek accountability.”

The full report can be found online at
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