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Dear Friend,
It's been another busy week. More complaints from the media
of "public service cuts" without giving the context that
growth in recent years has been many times more, the team has
exposed yet another expensive government rebrand, and we expose the
tax hike on insurance most people have never heard of.
Remuneration body set to whack up MPs' pay 🥸

Backbench MPs look set to pocket thousands more dollars this year
if media speculation on the soon-to-be-announced determination by the
Remuneration Authority proves correct.
Late last year, we
wrote to (and met with) the Remuneration Authority to make the
case for freezing MPs' pay until cost-of-living crisis has ended with
inflation and government spending back under control.
With three times the median wage already the 'base' salary for the
lowest ranking MPs (many most of us have never heard of), it will come
as a slap in the face to those struggling to make ends meet. Contrary
to what they'll have you believe, our MPs are
actually already well paid compared to overseas legislators,
especially when you take into account our relative decline in GDP per
Throw in all the extra perks like free accommodation, tax-free
allowances, and taxpayer-funded meals, and a backbench MP is earning being paid more
than $200,000 as it is.
When most households are being forced to cut back on the
nice-to-haves, why should our political class be any
Sign the petition: Freeze MPs pay 🖊 🧊 💰

More than 16,000 taxpayers have signed
our petition against a tone-deaf increase in MPs' pay.
🦸 A Taxpayer Hero? Nicola Willis says she
doesn't want pay rise 🚫 💰 ⬆️
Chris and Red Chris are both dodging the question on whether MPs
deserve a pay raise – saying it should be left up to the
independent Remuneration Authority (they know what's coming!)

But Finance Minister, Nicola Willis, has nailed her colours to the
mast, saying she "does not want" a pay rise,
and would feel "really, really, really
uncomfortable" if she was offered one. She's not the
only one.
As the Minister holding the purse strings, she more than anyone
knows that a big bump in MPs' salaries now would be completely
unjustified. We hope are sure that when the Remuneration Authority makes
its decision, she will do the right thing and refuse to take the
Callaghan Innovation's $173,000
website makeover 💅 💸
Taxpayers' Union has uncovered yet another rebranding splurge
this time from one of the Government's R&D (and corporate welfare)
funding agencies.
They spent a cool $173,000 on a website and logo
makeover and, as far as we can tell, the only difference between the
old and new website is a different font, a few new pictures and a
slightly different shade of green!
Oh, and it's become much harder to find how they've spent your
money and who they've given taxpayer-funded grants to...

And this rebrand happened was signed off just as the new Government
was being sworn into office and before it had a chance to implement
its cost-saving targets. Hmm... 🤔
TRUTH REVEALED: Public Service staffing savings are a drop
in the ocean 🤏
From the media's doomsday reporting on the Government's Public
Service savings, you'd think these poor departments were being
stripped to the bone.
In fact, when you compare the proposed staffing cuts so far to the
enormous hiring spree we saw under the last government,
taxpayers should instead be asking why the new Government's
savings are so small.
☝️Some missing context behind the Government's
"heartless" public service cuts☝️
Since 2017, the number of public servants has grown
by a staggering 39%, or an extra 18,477 full-time roles. And, in just
the final 6 months of last year, it grew by 2,582.
Yet according
to RNZ's calculations, the total number of jobs expected
to be culled is just 1,648.
That won't even get numbers back down to what they were just a few
months ago! Wellington's 'day of reckoning' is yet to come...
Junior staff hung out to dry as executives scramble to
save themselves🕴💰
we're also hearing that managers at the Public Service are saving
their own skins by selling out their junior employees.
Make no mistake, bureaucrats in all roles desperately need
stripping back. But if there is one area that needs an overhaul more
than any other – it's bloated management.
Just take a look at the figures 👇
Public Service departments have hired
an extra 2,725 managers since June 2017. That’s a 51% increase
in just 6 years! For context, the
NZ population only grew roughly 8.8% in size over that same
That means the Government's core departments have
been hiring managers at nearly six times the rate of the population
As we've said time and again, if the Government wants to ensure
that these savings are made in the right places, then Ministers must
lead the charge themselves and not abdicate responsibility to the very
chief executives responsible for the hiring bonanza.
NEW REPORT: Fire and Emergency levy hikes are unjustified 🔥 💵

Union Economist, Ray Deacon, has taken Fire and Emergency New
Zealand (FENZ) to task with an explosive new report revealing
significant failings within FENZ and questioning the need for a 12.8%
hike to levies on insurance used to fund it.
Taxpayers were promised extensive benefits and savings from a fire
service mega-merger but Ray's analysis shows that the promised savings
have gone up in smoke. His key findings are:
🔥 Expenses have continued
to increase
significantly with the promised savings and efficiencies non
existent. Total costs have blown out from $496.3 million in 2017/18 to
$737.3 million in 2022/23
🔥 Spending on consultants and
professional fees has blown out. Since establishment,
FENZ has exceeded its budget by, on average, 24% per year.
🔥 The 12.8% levy increase from 1 July 2024 is
easily avoided, if FENZ got its costs under control.
🔥 No independent post-implementation review of
the actual costs and benefits of the merger has occurred.
Ray and I have met with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Brooke van Velden, to
share the report's findings and have called on her to stop the 1 July
levy increase and
commission an independent review into FENZ.
can read Ray's full report here.
Luxon squares up against public-servant-loving trade
unions 💥🥊

Prime Minister came out swinging this week against both the Public
Service Association (PSA) and the Cartel Council of Trade Unions (CTU) saying
they "didn't seem to care about working New Zealanders
“If the PSA, or the CTU for that
matter, actually cared about low- and middle-income workers, they
would’ve come out in support of our tax relief plans that we’ve been
talking about for the last two years"
We say the PM is bang on.
The CTU and the PSA consistently argue against tax
relief that will benefit hundreds of thousands of working New
Zealanders in favour of protecting a few hundred public servants in
Well, here at New Zealand's largest union, we stand with the PM.
Delivering tax relief and culling the bloated Public
Service bureaucracy is the morally right thing to
Even Paddy Gower doesn't think the media shouldn't get a bailout
new Auckland University of Technology report reveals that just one
third of Kiwis still trust the news.
It's a sobering statistic, but not a surprising one. Many New
Zealanders feel that news coverage doesn't tell all sides of the
stories and is seen through a Wellington-centric lens. The fact that
many media companies are still getting taxpayer
funding through the Public Interest Journalism Fund doesn't help the
But TV3's Paddy Gower doesn't agree. When
asked by Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB what he thought of
people who had concerns about the political neutrality of the media,
he said they were just a bunch of "Facebook keyboard
warriors" who should "get

However, he did have one moment of clarity:
"The media doesn't
need a bailout. So, if anyone's talking about some sort of cash
bailout, we don't need that. The media does need to survive
Much in the same way that the Government would never have been
expected to prop up the DVD market when the internet became a much
more accessible alternative, we shouldn't expect terrestrial media to
be kept alive by taxpayers.
We're hearing the Government is still looking at options to help
out the likes of Newshub to keep them afloat. If you agree with Paddy
that the Government should tell those wanting another media bailout to
"get stuffed" (in more polite terms) click
here to send Minister for Media and Communications an
Taxpayer Talk – MPs
in Depth with Andrew Hoggard 🎙🐗

week on Taxpayer Talk, Connor
sat down with newly elected ACT MP, Andrew Hoggard.
Andrew is a Manawatu farmer, has an Agricultural Economics degree
and, prior to entering Parliament, was the President of Federated
Farmers. Andrew has stepped straight into the role as Minister
for both Biosecurity and Food Safety along with a number of associate
portfolios. In this interview, Andrew discusses his life before
politics, the issues he sees facing rural New Zealand and gives some
insight into his experiences working in Canada where the dairy sector
operates very differently with significant government control and
Listen to the episode on our
website | Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio
That's it for this week,
Yours aye,

Purves Head of
Campaigns New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union

NBR Callaghan Innovation spends $173,000 on rebranding as
30 jobs cut
The Post As Luxon struggles for connection, he should break out
the compassion
Bassett, Brash and
Hide PETER WILLIAMS: How can media
The Post The political art of saving the media, or
NZ Herald Exclusive poll: Who do Aucklanders fancy as their next
mayor? Have your say
Herald New poll finds majority of voters still want tax
NZ Herald Winston Peters-Antony Blinken statement proves New
Zealand is in the middle of a seismic foreign policy shift - Audrey
RNZ The week in politics: Targets, truants and MPs' pay
Tova An Exclusive Interview with
NewstalkZB The Huddle: Could Shortland Street be the latest
program facing cuts?
Platform What Do Kiwis Think of a Taxpayer-Backed Media
Waatea News Claudette Hauiti | Radio Waatea Parliamentary Press
Gallery Reporter
StuffAnatomy of a political misfire: How the PM’s
accommodation supplement saga
Newstalk ZB Barry Soper: ZB senior political correspondent on the
Green Party's bump in the polls
Maori Support for new coalition government drops - new
NewstalkZB News Fix Afternoon Edition: 09 April
NZ Herald Lobby group claims Tauranga’s commission ‘trampling
over local democracy’
Releases: More Competition, Not Less, The Solution To Failing
NEW POLL: Kiwis Want Nicola Willis To Hold Firm On Tax
NEW POLL: New Zealanders Oppose Taxpayer-Funded
Bailouts For Private Media Companies
Sky-High Interest Rates Show Kiwi Families Need
Government To Show Some Fiscal Responsibility
Government Must Clamp Down Harder On Managerial Class
With Public Service Cuts
NEW POLL: More Bad News For Centre-Right As Government
Parties Drop In Support
MPs Must Not Take Pay Hike While Kiwis Go
Government KPIs Show Progress But Lack
Revealed: Callaghan Innovation Wastes Over $170,000 On
Rebrand As Staff Call Out Job Cuts
New Report: Fire And Emergency Levy Increase
Unjustified, Performance Review Needed