Dear John,
As I’m sure you heard, Congress has already agreed to spend more than $2 trillion to address the healthcare and economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
I urge you to contact your members of Congress right now and demand that this money – and any future funds – are spent responsibly and transparently!
During this crisis, Congress must ensure that all money is used for targeted purposes that address the pandemic; that all new spending is temporary; and that no wasteful spending occurs.
Unfortunately, many Big-Government politicians, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), are already clamoring to spend even more of your money to “restructure” America and implement their liberal vision in the next massive spending bill. Your members of Congress must know that taxpayer money should not be spent to prop up partisan political agendas.
What’s more, they need to know that you demand the money already allocated for the crisis is spent properly before they try to spend trillions even more taxpayer dollars to address the coronavirus crisis.
Please contact your U.S. Senators and Representative right now to demand that taxpayers are protected as they continue to focus on the coronavirus pandemic. It will only take a moment of your time.
Thank you in advance for taking action.
Deborah Collier
Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs
