With less than a week before Election Day, we're fighting to elect conservation leaders who will put the health of your communities and natural resources first.


John - 

I hope you’ve had a chance to see what our team is dong to ensure that conservation voters can make your voices heard at the ballot box on Tuesday.

But in this constantly shifting environment, we need your help to ensure that voters have the best information to vote your conservation values. If you are able, chip in a gift today that keeps us fighting to elect leaders who will stand up for the health of your communities and natural resources.

We can’t thank you enough for your generous support! 


With less than a week before Election Day, your support keeps us fighting to elect conservation leaders who will put the health of your communities and natural resources first.

Dear John,

With just days before the April 7th election, Wisconsin Conservation Voters is running on all cylinders to elect conservation leaders at every level.

In this rapidly changing landscape, we’ve had to act fast, working with conservation voters like you to reach out digitally and over the phone to thousands of conservation voters statewide with the right actions and the right information at the right time to help them vote safely and make their votes count.


Your support helps us reach out to voters in innovative and effective ways:

  • We’ve reached 375,000 people on Facebook and Instagram with digital ads encouraging voters to request absentee ballots – and more than 5,200 people clicked the link to request an absentee ballot.
  • Conservation voters like you sent more than 1,300 messages to decision makers asking them to send absentee ballots to every voter in Wisconsin. Not long after, Gov. Evers echoed that call to ensure everyone can make their voices heard at the polls.
  • Our team of organizers and 40 volunteers from around the state have made more than 3,500 calls and sent more than 87,000 texts to voters, urging them to support conservation leaders up and down the ballot.
  • We mailed our Supreme Court Voter guide to more than 187,000 voters to ensure that you know where the Supreme Court candidates stand on the conservation issues that matter most to you.
  • For the first time ever, we’re running a huge local endorsement campaign to elect clean energy leaders to county boards, city councils, and school boards across the state. Our targeted digital ads in support of local candidates have reached more than 126,000 people, and our mail pieces were sent to 22,099 households in 5 communities.

What we do in these last few days before the election will have a huge impact on the future of our state. Can we count on you to chip in a gift today that helps us elect leaders who will stand up for clean energy, clean water, and healthy communities?

Now more than ever, it’s imperative that Wisconsin elects leaders who believe in science and understand what’s at stake when it comes to democracy and protecting our communities.

That’s why we’re leading the fight to elect leaders like Judge Jill Karofsky who will stand up to polluters and put Wisconsin’s people first.

But to put our candidates over the top, we need your support in these last few days before April 7th. Your support with an urgent gift today helps us keep fighting to ensure that every conservation voter in Wisconsin has a voice on Election Day.

I can’t thank you enough for taking a stand for Wisconsin’s air, land, and water.

Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters

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Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States