Stacey Abrams One Georgia

Dear John,

I hope this message finds you well. Like most of us, I try to pay attention to what’s happening in the world, but not every critical story makes the front page. Today, I am reaching out to shed light on a crisis that demands our immediate attention: the silent war ravaging Sudan.

Far from the headlines, innocent lives are being shattered, families torn apart, and futures destroyed. The people of Sudan are enduring unimaginable suffering, and their voices are being drowned out by the chaos of conflict.

Some fights get more attention, but a humanitarian crisis demands that we not look away. The civil war that started last year in Sudan is escalating, with ongoing violence displacing families, leaving them without homes, food, or medical care.

A recent report by the UN Human Rights Office said that tens of thousands of civilians have already been killed and millions have been displaced. Reports of widespread sexual violence and possible war crimes highlight how dire things are. The need for urgent action has never been greater.

As advocates for justice and human rights, we have a moral obligation to stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people. To give them the same platform and support that we’ve shown other tragedies. That's why I am urging you to join me in taking action today.

Essential humanitarian aid is currently stalled in Congress, while hundreds of thousands of innocent people are waiting for the United States to keep our promises of support.

Can you call on your elected leaders in the House and Senate to pass crucial aid for Sudan? This aid can provide a lifeline to those in desperate need - delivering essential food, medical supplies, and humanitarian assistance to those who have lost everything.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can be a beacon of hope for the people of Sudan who are crying out for peace and stability.

Please take a moment to contact your member of Congress and urge them to support aid for Sudan. Every call, every email, and every voice matters in this fight for humanity.

Thank you for standing with me in this critical moment. Let's show the world the power of compassion and solidarity.

In Peace,

Stacey Abrams