On this Tax Day, let’s work to cut taxes for middle class families and get rid of the giveaway to billionaires and large corporations

Paid for by Andrei for Arizona


Today is Tax Day and while most of us are happy to pay our fair share, we all know the current tax code is fundamentally unfair.

We can thank my opponent, Rep. David Schweikert, for being a huge part of that problem. As a member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, he has played a lead role in cutting taxes for billionaires and big corporations and raising them on the middle class.

If you think that’s a great idea, say a “Tax Day thank you” to David Schweikert. If you think we need to do the reverse, will you donate $4.15 or $41.50 or $415 to help me work for a tax code that is fair and powers our economic growth?

David Schweikert was a major force behind pushing the Trump Tax Cuts which was not only the most fiscally irresponsible action in American history, but a massive giveaway to billionaires and large corporations. In fact, they actually cut taxes for foreign investors by $40 billion a year.

Schweikert then followed that up by voting to allow the 2021 middle class tax cut to end. This was the most massive tax increase on the middle class in American history – about $3,000 for the average Arizona family.

This is not only about fairness. Over the past fifty years, Republicans have pushed the idea that our economy grows from a top-down trickle onto the everyday Americans. They’re wrong. Our economy grows from the middle-out – when Americans have more money in their pockets they buy the things that make our economy go and grow.

So while you’re thinking about your tax bill this Tax Day, will you pitch in today to fuel our campaign? I don’t accept corporate PAC contributions which means I need your help so that we can grow our economy and lift up our families at the same time with a tax code that honors hard work and works hard for America’s future.

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In your service,
