From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing The New York Times For Libel
Date April 4, 2020 12:03 PM
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Law professor Glenn Reynolds on his famous Instapundit blog (January 10,
2020) :
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: NY Times Slapped With $5M Lawsuit For Citing
SPLC, Branding Immigration Hawk a 'White Nationalist.'

I would have added a zero to the claim.

Powerline's John Hinderaker: Sue The New York Times? They Deserve It

(January 10, 2020):
Brimelow's complaint asks for $5 million, plus punitive damages. I
would love to see him get it. The New York Times and the Southern
Poverty Law Center are two utterly corrupt institutions that, in a just
world, would be driven into bankruptcy by libel suits...

Lawsuits like this one are an important contribution to freedom.

Read our provisional complaint here


Click here to help us sue the NYT!



Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel

by Peter Brimelow
[An excerpt, read full article here]

...Throughout 2019, the New York Times showed a systematic pattern of
(1) portraying me and the webzine I edit as racial extremists through
consistent misrepresentation;
(2) refusing to contact us, thus denying us the chance to refute (or at
least protest) these misrepresentations;
(3) refusing to hyperlink to us, thus denying readers the chance to see
for themselves that we have been misrepresented;
(4) refusing to correct misrepresentations, and to acknowledge
surreptitiously correcting one misrepresentation, albeit merely on its

Let me make clear: Personally, I absolutely do not care what the New
York Times, and the people who run it, think about anything.

And I have shrugged off a great deal of abuse

since I broke the taboo and started writing critically about America's
immigration disaster in 1992. So why have I decided to sue for libel

Partly it's because I've realized that mud sticks.

... these sort of charges have increasingly serious real-world
consequences. In effect, America now has a Cultural Marxist corporate
elite that does the bidding of its emerging Totalitarian Left.

Thus, despite (or more accurately because of) the fact that Donald J.
Trump won the presidency essentially

advocating's long-held positions #_msocom_1 on immigration, we
have suffered a wave of demonetization and deplatforming, for example by
Amazon, Google Adsense, PayPal, MailChimp and several others. And more
than half-a-dozen hotels have cancelled conference contracts

with us in the last three years after coming under political pressure,
even though they have had  to pay us significant liquidated damages.

For example, when our account with the bulk email service Constant
Contact abruptly stopped working-although we had been faithful paying
customers for some ten years-Lydia called and was told: "We no longer
service your industry."
Lydia: What industry is that?

Customer Service Girl: [Consults screen]...White supremacy!

...All of which means that when the New York Times asserts we're
"white nationalists," it matters. Especially since Trump's election in
2016,, immigration patriots and the Dissident Right generally,
are in what the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu called "Death Ground"-

we have to sue or be driven entirely out of the public square.

Maybe suing won't work. Maybe we will indeed be driven entirely out of
the public square. But we have to try. What alternative do we have?...

Please give generously . Not just
to defend freedom for all Americans, but to help ensure that the cause
of immigration patriotism is not driven entirely out of public debate.

I and my family will be most grateful-and so, I sincerely believe,
will be those who the Founders referred to in the Preamble to The
Constitution, as "ourselves and our posterity."

Thank you for supporting!

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