John --
April Statewide
Please join us Tonight, Monday April
15th at 8pm for our Monthly Statewide Call.

Last month we introduced you to the Eric
Settle and Chris Foster, the two candidates running as Forward Party
candidates for statewide office. Please check out the recording
of that call if you missed it.
We've had some great events and exciting
news since last month's call so if you're just tuning in to what we're
doing in PA, this is a great time to get involved.
What we'll be discussing

- Our candidate affiliates including our
recent event
with Conner Schroy
- PA Primaries 4/23
- Signature gathering to get our
candidates on the ballot.
- Recruiting more candidates.
- We have a new
- We're holding our convention
for 6/1/24- Get your tickets now or reach out to help us plan
It's certainly busy times and this
is a great opportunity to hear from your fellow Pennsylvania
Forwardists and help make the party you want to see. Hope to see you

Pennsylvania Forward Party