Dear John,

Our nation continues to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic but — to no surprise — the NRA is using this crisis to stoke fears to drive gun sales. This confirms what we already know: The NRA will do anything to sell as many guns as possible, no matter the risks to our health or safety.

Last weekend, the Trump administration issued guidance by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advising elected officials to allow gun stores to remain open as a part of our country’s “essential critical infrastructure." But we know that the Second Amendment does not protect an unlimited right to shop for firearms when our nation is coping with an unprecedented global pandemic. There is no constitutional right to buy firearms in stores that can spread a fatal virus and endanger countless others. 

Bottom line: The gun industry does not deserve special protections — not during a pandemic, and not ever. Our nation’s public health responses should be guided by the NIH’s Dr. Fauci, not the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre! 

Last week you helped us drive nearly 3,000 emails to governors demanding they take meaningful action to address the surge in gun sales. This new guidance by the Trump administration will have a chilling effect on the ability of state and local leaders to do just that. We immediately took legal action by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate the gun lobby’s influence on the Trump administration’s guidance, but here’s how YOU can help right now:

Send a message to President Trump and the DHS demanding they reverse this hazardous guidance that is putting millions of lives at risk across the country.


Were you Featured on Our Podcast? Tune in to Find Out!
Monday marked 39 years since Jim Brady was shot in the head and nearly killed during the assassination attempt on President Reagan. We asked you to share your memories of this day, when a bullet changed the course of our nation’s history and shaped today’s movement to prevent gun violence. Listen to our episode, “39 Years After the Shooting of Jim Brady,” to hear if your memory was featured!

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Guns and COVID-19: Resources, Tools, and More! 

The COVID-19 pandemic intersecting with the gun violence epidemic has the risk of exacerbating gun violence in many of its forms, including domestic violence, unintentional shootings, and firearm suicide. Now more than ever, it is vital that Americans everywhere play a role in preventing gun violence and injuries — even while we’re stuck at home. We’ve put together some lifesaving resources and recommendations amid these times of uncertainty: 

Brady Donor of the Week: Mark Stone of Highland Park, Illinois

“I am the luckiest man I know of,” beams Mark Stone of Highland Park, Illinois. Lucky indeed! On May 19, Mark turns 90 years young. He attributes his health and happiness to serendipity and generosity. 

Like many Americans, Mark’s life was impacted by gun violence — one of his dearest friend’s granddaughters ended her life in a gun suicide. Mark laments the senseless loss of life caused by gun violence in our country, and particularly in the city of Chicago. It is for this reason that he supports Brady.

As Mark says, “I like to help those who are not as lucky in their lives. And at 90, there is no need to save money for old age." Brady values all donors who give their time and treasure to make our world safer for others. If you would like to learn more about how you can support Brady today, click here.

 Learn how to support Brady

🎧 Are Guns Stores “Essential?”
Hosts JJ and Kelly are joined by Brady attorney Jon Lowy to talk about the Department of Homeland Security’s advisory guidance designating gun stores as “essential” businesses during the coronavirus outbreak. Brady has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain documents related to the gun industry’s efforts to influence this decision. What does that mean? Listen to find out! 

🎧 An Epidemic During a Pandemic
COVID-19 is scary, partly due to the news that surrounds it — from physical distancing to worries about what the economic downturn could bring. Those anxieties exacerbate America's ongoing epidemic of gun violence — which is affected by healthcare access and the coronavirus-related surge in gun sales. Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne and Mighty Fine of the American Public Health Association (APHA) discuss how we can each take action during these unprecedented times. Listen now!

🎧 Guns Can't Fight COVID-19
In response to fear related to the COVID-19 pandemic, gun dealers and online retailers have reported an increase in sales, especially to first time gun buyers. But, making the decision to buy a gun is a big deal, and not one that should be done impulsively. To help guide people on whether or not they should buy a gun, and to assist those that have already purchased one, JJ is joined by Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne and David Chipman, a Senior Policy Adviser at Giffords. Listen now!

Are you practicing social distancing amid COVID-19? Use this time of solitude and social distancing to binge on our podcast! Launched this past fall, "Red, Blue, and Brady" combines current events and personal narratives to explore America's gun violence epidemic.
Download and subscribe to our podcast, “Red, Blue, and Brady” now!


Jon Lowy of Brady Legal Named a 2020 Top 500 Leading Lawyer 

Every year, Lawdragon publishes a guide to the "Leading Lawyers in America." For the eighth consecutive year in a row, Vice President of Brady Legal Jon Lowy was selected as one of America’s top 500 leading lawyers!

Jon has worked at Brady for more than 20 years and has litigated in over 40 states to reduce gun violence, including winning several landmark trial and appellate rulings, settlements, and verdicts. Brady Legal is proud to have their very own featured among the most elite and talented lawyers in America. Read more!

Update on Our Webinar: COVID-19, Gun Sales, and What Can Be Done 
Technical issues by a vendor caused the postponement of Thursday’s scheduled webinar. We’re working to reschedule for a new date. If you previously registered, you will receive an email update once new information is available. Thank you!

NRA Suing New York for Deeming Gun Stores Non-Essential Businesses During Coronavirus Pandemic, CNN

FBI Processes Record Number of Gun Background Checks in March, The Hill

Massachusetts Shuts Down Gun Stores After Declaring Them ‘Essential’, Washington Free Beacon

Trump Administration Rules Gun Shops ‘Essential’ Amid Virus, Associated Press

Coronavirus Fears Help Push Gun Background Checks to Record Levels in March, ABC News

Georgia Gun Store Files Federal Lawsuit Over ‘Essential’ Status, All On Georgia

Doctors like me are trying to keep the world safe from the coronavirus pandemic. But thousands of families in America are already caught in the country’s existing epidemic: gun violence.”

— Elinore Kaufman, a fellow in surgical critical care and trauma surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.

Trauma doctors across America are pleading for an end to gun violence amid the COVID-19 global pandemic. Gun violence victims are battling for space and vital resources inside our health system’s crowded intensive care units (I.C.U.s), leaving those on the front lines asking, “Can we save a bed, can we save two beds, for the gunshot victims we know are coming next?”

Every year, more than 80,000 people visit an emergency department for gunshot wounds. Nearly one in four will be admitted to the I.C.U., staying on average for three days. More now than ever, that space is needed for COVID-19 patients.

Brady works with healthcare professionals, like #ThisIsOurLane, who are battling this uniquely American epidemic every day. During these uncertain times, we must unite behind healthcare professionals' clarion call: Put the guns down.

Send a Tweet to #ThisIsOurLane showing your support for those on the front lines of this global pandemic amid the gun violence epidemic


“Americans have a right to know whether the Trump administration is listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci or Wayne LaPierre when pushing to keep gun businesses open despite the risk of spreading coronavirus. We demand answers from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as to whether the gun industry’s influence led to this decision, and whether Dr. Fauci or other public health experts agreed with the decision. If those actions crossed the line from official requests and influenced decisions at the Department of Homeland Security, we need to know that. And, we’re going to find out.”

Brady President Kris Brown in response to the Freedom of Information Act filed by Brady.

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
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