From Mandela Barnes <>
Subject Each and every contribution matters when we are trying to defeat the GOP.
Date April 15, 2024 3:45 PM
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[1]The Long Run PAC

Yesterday, my team reached out asking for a contribution from you and this grassroots coalition before we hit the mid-point of the month at midnight tonight.

The response from this team is always humbling. Many folks from different walks of life showed up to help our movement to elect change-making candidates up and down the ballot this November.

But as of this morning, we’re still pacing behind where we need to be. That’s not the news I wanted to share today.

Now, if you and every other person reading this email contributed $3 right now, we’d easily catch up and be ready to take on Republicans nationwide.

But not everyone donates, so it’s even more important that YOU chip in before midnight if you can.

So please, make a contribution to our movement before we hit the mid-point of April tonight. Each and every contribution matters when we are trying to defeat the GOP.

CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]

Mandela Barnes

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